Logo: PubCom 

GPO SPA Program

U.S. GPO Simplified Purchase Agreement

Logo: G.P.O, U.S. Government Printing OfficeEach GPO regional office has developed a network of pre-approved vendors that provide small, quick turn-around services directly to Federal government agencies.

PubCom's training and consulting services are currently listed on 4 GPO SPAs:

  • Washington, DC SPA: PO # 95844
  • Atlanta, GA SPA: PO #F-1780
  • Columbus, OH SPA: PO #H-1849
  • Denver, CO SPA: PO #M-2428
  • Seattle, WA SPA: PO # R-2495

Let us know if you transact business through other GPO regional offices. We can obtain a SPA through them, too.

Some services PubCom can provide via a SPA.

Only services related to printing and publishing are covered by the GPO SPA. That includes electronic publishing, Acrobat PDFs, websites, and Section 508 accessibility.

  • Training classes, seminars, workshops, and custom training.
  • Section 508 services, such as remediating Word, PPT, PDF, and InDesign files.
  • Templates for Section 508 compliant publications from Word and InDesign. Also user guides on how to use the templates and follow accessibility guidelines.
  • Conversion to eBooks/ePubs.
  • Contract language to insert into your outsourcing contracts to ensure your vendors provide Section 508-compliant deliverables or press-quality files.
  • Define and write technical standards and guidelines for your agency's publishing-related documents, including Section 508 and XML-based workflows.
  • Technical specifications for workflow, hardware, software, and other technologies for publishing systems.

Don't see what you need here?

Just drop us a note at info@pubcom.com and we'll work with you to procure the service you need.

How SPA works.

Each vendor, such as PubCom, becomes authorized by GPO to sell services or products directly to its government agency clients.

It's "simplified" because there is no need to go through a lengthy procurement process or contracts.

You simply order with us directly (and fill out GPO's SPA paperwork on your end). We provide the service, we process a small bit of paperwork to verify that it was provided, and then we bill GPO directly, not your agency. And GPO will then bill your agency through its normal channels (IPAC statements, deposit accounts, or credit card).

If the purchase is less than $1,000, the agency SPA purchaser calls any of the SPA vendors directly, negotiates prices, defines deliverables, and places the order with a GPO Work Order. No prerequisites, pre-approvals, competitive bids, contracts, nadda. It's that simple.

If the purchase is $1,000 or more, the agency purchaser must contact at least 3 SPA vendors for competitive bids.

Many of PubCom's services are under these limits, such as training classes, small consulting assignments, graphic design projects, and template design.

Some SPA FAQs.

  1. Only authorized purchasers can use GPO SPA. Each agency, division, regional office, or branch authorizes employees to use the SPA.

    If you're not already registered to use the SPA, you’ll need to contact someone at your agency to do the purchasing for you or become authorized by GPO to use the SPA. Contact your regional GPO office to learn who already is an authorized SPA purchaser, which vendors are on their SPA, or how you can become an authorized SPA purchaser.
  2. Each agency sets the spending limit for each SPA purchaser, usually $2,500, $3,000 and up to $10,000.
  3. Vendors like PubCom bill GPO directly for the services, not your agency.
  4. GPO bills your agency through IPAC statements, deposit accounts, or credit card.
  5. Authorized purchasers can use the SPA only at the regional office where they are registered. However, purchasers can easily register with any of GPO's regional offices, and not just the one they normally use for print procurement.
  6. SPA vendors like PubCom register with each regional GPO office. Currently we are on the Washington DC, Atlanta, Columbus, and Seattle SPAs. Let us know if you'd like us to be on your GPO regional office's SPA.

Tools & Links

Check out PubCom's resources and tools compiled just for Federal Government agencies.

Visit GPO's SPA website for more information.

Or contact your regional GPO office to learn how you can become an authorized SPA purchaser.



"Superior training and very knowledgeable instructor.

"Just the best. This is stuff that we can really use."

— Government publisher



PubCom's government clients include US federal, state, local, and international agencies:

BLM — Bureau of Land Management

BLS — Bureau of Labor Statistics

CDC — Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDC NIOSH — National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

CMS — Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services

DOC — Dept. of Commerce

FS — USDA Forest Service

FWS — Fish and Wildlife Services

HHS — Health and Human Services

IRS — Internal Revenue Service

ITC — US International Trade Commission

GPO — Govt Publishing Office

NASA — National Aeronautic and Space Agency

NCHS — National Center for Health Statistics, CDC

NIH — National Institutes of Health

NLM — National Library of Medicine

NOAA — National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency

NSF — National Science Foundation

OPM — Office of Personnel Management

SSA — Social Security Administration

VA — Dept. of Veteran Affairs

USAID — US Agency for International Development

USDA — US Department of Agriculture

US Dept. of Defense

US Dept. of State

City of Takoma Park, MD

The British Council, USA

DC Government, Office of Tax and Revenue

Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools

Missouri Dept. of Conservation